"Brilliant abstract paintings that bring luminous color to lobbies, offices or foyers."

light and atmosphere

My paintings, prints and pastel drawings are based on my belief that inherent in all life, especially human life, is the potential for enlightenment, and by realizing this potential, we can create a peaceful world. The light that emanates from these colorful works is a metaphor for this belief. They can be enjoyed simply as sensuous color, or can be used as a vehicle of exploration and understanding for the viewer.

The painting process, a layering of thin glazes, relates to a layering and multiplicity of meanings. What interests me most is luminous color and atmospheric space. Color is used to create an atmospheric space which allows the viewer to dream, to contemplate, to feel inspired the way a sunset or a starry night creates a sense of wonder and awe.



❝ Painting for me is A spiritual quest ❞